ohjelmisto : Flexera : InstallShield

Flexera InstallShield

(9 alkaen)

Ohjelmiston yleiskuvaus

Tärkeimmät ominaisuudet

  • Utilize InstallScript to create custom installations
  • Validate installations to ensure they follow Windows best practices
  • Digitally sign installations and associated files
  • Create installations for 35 different preset languages or add a new one

Flexera InstallShield is an application for creating installers used for installing software on Windows PCs, servers, and Web application. It is commonly used for widely distributed consumer software.

InstallShield allows you to create highly customized installers for your software and provides many tools to assure that it works correctly and fits to Windows standards. Installations can be validated against the Windows Logo tests to make sure that they follow best practices. You can also make your installer check for the latest version of your application to make sure that your users are getting the most current product. Many tasks such as adding files and features, changing settings, and initiating builds can be automated to reduce the amount of needed manual work.

If you are releasing a software product for Windows you might be interested in Flexera InstallShield. Because of the high cost of an InstallShield license you may want to look around at other options, especially if you don't have a very large budget.

Tuetut tiedostotyypit

Ensisijainen tiedostotunniste

.ISM – InstallShield Project File

Other file extensions used by Flexera InstallShield 2019

Tuetut tiedostotyypit
.INXKoottu skripti
.IPRInstallShield Professional -projektitiedosto
.ISDFlexera InstallShield -valintaikkunatiedosto
.JOSInstallShield Express -projektitiedosto
.ISSInstallShield Silent Response -tiedosto
.ONGELMAInstallShield Uninstaller -skripti
Muita siihen liittyviä tiedostomuotoja
.IWZInstallShield Express 2 -projektitiedosto

Päivitetty: syyskuu 24, 2019