SoftMaker Office HD PlanMaker BASIC
Versio (9 alkaen) | 2016.7 |
foorumi | |
lisenssi | ilmaisohjelma |
Kategoria | Tuottavuus |
Lisätietoja (vieraile julkaisijan verkkosivustolla) |
Ohjelmiston yleiskuvaus
Tärkeimmät ominaisuudet
- View, create, and edit XLSX and XLS spreadsheets
- Lajittele tiedot, lisää taulukoita ja kaavioita sekä luo kaavoja
- Choose from over 330 calculation functions to apply
- Export your data to the PDF format
SoftMaker Office HD: PlanMaker BASIC is the Android version of the PlanMaker taulukkolaskentaohjelma desktop program from the SoftMaker Office suite. It is primarily used to edit and save data from Excel files.
Office HD: PlanMaker BASIC supports the .XLSX että . XLS file types and keeps all the data, formulas, and formatting intact when opening them. You can edit and save the files as well as open password-protected Excel files. Some of the app's most notable features include the ability to insert, hide, and delete rows and columns, merge and split cells, and choose from over 330 calculation functions to apply to your data.
The main reason why most users download Office HD: PlanMaker BASIC is to view and edit XLSX and XLS spreadsheets on an Android device. It features much of the same functionality as the desktop version of PlanMaker. While you should first try kunnostautua for working with XLSX and XLS files, SoftMaker Office HD: PlanMaker BASIC is a quality alternative, especially if you already use the desktop version.
Tuetut tiedostotyypit
Ensisijainen tiedostotunniste
Other file extensions used by SoftMaker Office HD PlanMaker BASIC 2016.7
Tuetut tiedostotyypit | |
.CSV | Pilkuilla erotettujen arvojen tiedosto |
.HTML | Hypertekstimerkintäkielitiedosto |
.PMD | PlanMaker-laskentataulukko |
. RTF | Rich Text Format -tiedosto |
.XLSM | Excel Avaa XML-makrokäyttöinen laskentataulukko |
.XLSX | Microsoft Excel Avaa XML-laskentataulukko |
.XLTM | Excel Avaa XML-makrokäyttöinen laskentataulukon malli |
.XLTX | Excel Avaa XML-laskentataulukkomalli |
Päivitetty: syyskuu 24, 2019