Versio (9 alkaen) | 0.1 |
foorumi | |
lisenssi | ilmaisohjelma |
Kategoria | pelaamista |
Lisätietoja (vieraile julkaisijan verkkosivustolla) |
Ohjelmiston yleiskuvaus
Tärkeimmät ominaisuudet
- Emuloi useita tuhansia arcade-pelejä
- Saves game progress
- Plays back replays
MacMAME is a program used to emulate old school arcade video games. It is part of the MAME project, which is a non-profit organization committed to preserving arcade games. MacMAME was discontinued in 2016.
The emulator requires ROMs from the original arcade games in order to emulate the game. The software comes with several useful features, such as the ability to save your game in the .STA file and replay in the .P: SSÄ file. The emulator is also available in French and Italian.
MacMAME is mainly used by fans of classic arcade games that date back to the 1970s. However, you must own the original arcade game in order to emulate the ROM. Also, the project has not been updated since 2006, which makes MacMAME a poor option for emulating your classic arcade games.
Tuetut tiedostotyypit
Ensisijainen tiedostotunniste
Other file extensions used by MacMAME 0.1
Tuetut tiedostotyypit | |
.CFG | Kokoonpanotiedosto |
.CHD | MAME-kiintolevykuva |
.DIF | MAME CHD Diff-tiedosto |
.MOI | MacMAME-pisteitä sisältävä tiedosto |
.P: SSÄ | MAME-uusintatiedosto |
.LNG | MAME-kielitiedosto |
.STA | MAME Tallennettu tilatiedosto |
Päivitetty: syyskuu 13, 2019